
2024-09-18 17:42:14 体育赛事 facai888

在足球的绿茵场上,有一种旋律,无论风雨如何变换,总能激起球迷心中无尽的狂热与信仰,这就是切尔西队歌——"Blue Army"(蓝色军队),这首歌不仅仅是一首歌,它是切尔西俱乐部历史、荣耀与精神的象征,是球迷们热血沸腾的源泉。


蓝军的历史可以追溯到1905年,从那一刻起,"蓝军"这个名词就与坚韧不拔和团队精神紧密相连,而队歌"Blue Army",则是球队在每一次胜利与挫折中,与球迷共同见证荣耀时刻的见证者,它的歌词简洁有力,每一句都饱含着对比赛的执着和对胜利的渴望:

(Verse 1)
On the field where we fight,
With our blue and white, we ignite,
Through the rain or shining sun,
We're the Chelsea United.
Blue Army, hear our voice,
We'll never lose, we'll never choose,
Our hearts beat with every pass,
For our team, forever last.
(Verse 2)
We stand tall, we stand strong,
In every corner, where we belong,
From Stamford Bridge to the world,
Our love for Chelsea unfurled.
Blue Army, we'll defend,
Our colors high, till the end,
We'll sing this song through thick and thin,
For the pride of our Chelsea win.
From Lampard to Hazard, our legends shine,
Each step forward, a story divine,
The badge, the badge, forever on our chest,
It's not just a logo, it's a sacred quest.
Blue Army, we won't falter,
We'll keep the faith, no matter the weather,
In every game, we'll give our all,
For the Chelsea, till the final call.
So when the final whistle blows,
And the dust settles, as the lights glow,
Remember, in the Chelsea heart,
Our anthem will forever start.


